Useful hints for completing a personality test
Our personality and behavioural tests consist of a series of questions and statements that you must consider. The time you spend on it is recorded, but there is no time limit for completing the test.
You will typically receive a link to the test so you can complete it when it suits you.
Before you complete the test, we have these tips for you:
- Read the instructions carefully before you start
- Make sure you are fresh and well rested
- Answer the questions immediately and spontaneously
- Answer based on how you function and act in a work context
- Take the questions literally – if it says "always" or "never", it actually means "always" or "never"
- Remember, there are no right or wrong answers – always choose the answer that describes you best

How to prepare for a personality test
It may seem like a good idea to prepare for a personality test, especially if you’re nervous about it or have never done one before – but our best advice is actually: Don’t!
You will get the best results by answering the questions spontaneously and honestly, rather than planning specific answers or trying to figure out what the company would like to hear. There are no right or wrong answers to a personality test. By answering spontaneously and honestly, you ensure that the test gives a true picture of you as a person. This image forms the basis for ensuring the right match for the position – for the benefit of both yourself and the company that will hire you.