Certification and certification courses

Our certification courses will give you deep insight into our test tools and provide the relevant competencies for a professional utilization of them. People Test System’s certification courses will provide you with the foundation for optimal implementation and application of the test tools in the organisation’s daily and strategic work, within recruitment, management, development, optimization and more.

Value-creating certification process

People Test System’s certification courses will provide the foundation for an optimal implementation and use of our test tools. Certifications are based on the organisation’s daily and strategic work. After completing the course, the certified user will be able to use the test tools and create value in different contexts, such as recruitment, management, development, and optimisation. The following descriptions will describe the different test tool’s target group, content, value creation, method, and practical prerequisites of the individual certifications.

Certification courses

The certification courses use blended learning that includes theory, tools, dialogue, examples, exercises, and practical application.
To ensure optimal use and value creation of PTS’s tools, there will be a preliminary theoretical exam and a final practical exam.

Personality and behavioural test

PTP is ideal for recruitment/talent acquisition, onboarding, management, talent management, personal development and succession planning. The certification provides the user with the qualifications needed to interpret test results in-depth and provide value-creating feedback to the candidate.

Intelligence and skill set test

The certification provides knowledge about human abilities and skills, and how they unfold in a work environment. After the certification, the certified person will be qualified to interpret the test result in-depth and put it into a work context, as well as provide value-creating feedback to the candidate.

Personality and skill set test

The PTB analysis is a unique and easy-to-understand combination test. The test provides an overview of the candidate’s behaviour and measures the fundamental skills, that may be relevant to the job that the analysis is used in connection with.

Team test

The certification is especially targeted at managers, consultants, and employees in HR departments who would like to gain further knowledge about team roles and dynamics. The certification provides the competencies to interpret test results and provide value-creating feedback to candidates.

Personality and Risk Behaviour Analysis

The PTX analysis has been developed as a supplement the PTP test, which can be used for both recruitment and development tasks. The certification gives you the competencies to analyse and decode the darker traits of a candidate’s personality – also known as risk behaviour.

Management assessment

The certified user will be instructed in the practical implementation of leadership development courses and will acquire the competencies needed to interpret and communicate the result, and thus advise on how the company can develop its management in the best way.


It is our responsibility to ensure that the analyses are used appropriately and in a manner that creates value. Value creation through the use of our test tools presupposes that they can be used properly, which is based on an in-depth understanding, knowledge, and insight. This is achieved through our certification process.

Our e-learning platform People Test Academy introduces the certified user to the foundation of the tool, as well as the theoretical starting point.

Relevant theory is reviewed in the physical attendance courses. We use “blended learning” – including teaching on the whiteboard, practical exercises, self-study, and tests.

We equip the certified user so the analyses can be used in a professional and value-creating manner, immediately after passing the final exam.

Value creation is crucial. We want to create the foundation for effective management and motivated employees who takes advantage of their own potential and collaborate optimally. The quality of the certification process and follow-up is therefore important.