If only we could look into the future, we would know exactly what kind of competences our organisations will need to survive the brave new world that awaits. There is no doubt that tomorrow is going to be different. Increased globalisation, digitalisation, complexity and diversity call for new competences, especially from managers.
We are always hearing the so-called management experts comment on the latest developments in “management” and “leadership”. But will agility, robustness or “purpose” be the new black? Or are they all just fleeting HR buzzwords that are best suited for a round of “bullshit-bingo”?
Regardless, a recurring theme among the body of experts is that what we have today is not what we will need tomorrow. But how do we maintain focus on new management competences (whatever those may be)?
Should we launch grand leadership development programmes, full of pomp and circumstance? Or just change course and hire some new (young) managers? The question becomes whether we should develop or dismantle? The answer is probably somewhere in the middle. When we hire new managers, we really need to think about who they are, but we must also have a realistic plan of how to move current managers into the future.
First, however, we must find out what we are looking for. Have a look into the future (and data) with us and find the answer!